Monday, February 23, 2015

(Please read through to the end because I am talking about you)
I AM GOING TO TELL YOU ALL SOMETHING THAT MOST DO NOT KNOW ABOUT ME OR ABOUT WHO I AM, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY SOMETHING YOU DO NOT KNOW ABOUT YOURSELVES AND WHO YOU ARE! In 2009, WI had been suffering under an incredibly bad Dem. Governor nicknamed "Diamond Jim" Doyle. At the time, I would get together once a week with a regular group of guys and we would do two things: study the Bible and b*tch about how Diamond Jim was destroying WI's future. One Saturday, I came to the end of myself and in private I cried out to God to heal our land and our state. That night my buddy Dick Radocevich called me out of the blue and said, "Vince, we can recall Doyle. I've been looking in the WI Blue Book and we can do it." Without hesitation I responded, "Let's do it!"  The idea was presented to the rest of our group and it quickly spread to others. Some were people of faith and some were not but we all had the same goal; we were tired of sitting by, watching our state die by degrees and we wanted to once again give Wisconsin a bright future. We started out as a couple of nobodies who from that point on said, "Lord, we have no resources but we are going to step out in faith and leave the results up to You."

And step we did. We were quick to enlist the local team of Chris Kliesmet and Orv Seymer from CRG-Citizens for Responsible Government, who had run recalls not only across the state of WI but had helped in ousting the local Milwaukee County Executive, Tom Ament, who was at least partially responsible for the now infamous Pension Board scandal in 2002.

At this time, Doyle was presenting his tricked up/bloated state budget at public forums across the state for input. We dogged him wherever his budget went. This clip is from State Fair park in West Allis:

Our action caught the attention of local media and the Recall Doyle team appeared on newspaper covers, talk radio forums, television interviews and even in the WI State Capitol rotunda:

 We hounded Doyle at as many public appearances as possible even to Milwaukee's East Side for his press conference announcing a smoking ban:

 We held informational recall volunteer sign-up forums across the state of WI such as this one at a packed out Serb Hall in Milwaukee County: 

Without ever really having experienced trying to unseat a sitting governor before, we simply moved in the direction to which we felt led. I will give critical technical kudos to CRG. They were the essential number crunchers to help us be realistic in our goal of recall petition volunteers needed: A STAGGERING 12,000 from across the state. We put up a website to aid in volunteer sign up and our numbers bloomed. We sent out regular e-mails to keep everyone apprised of where we were at. Our numbers really popped when we presented our plan at a taxpayer protest on April 15th, 2009 outside the State Capitol. Look and listen as the crowd, standing before the 2nd floor office window of Gov. Jim Doyle, starts to chant for his recall: 

Through it all, I cautioned our core group that although we had a goal of 12,000 volunteers, we did not know God's plan in all of this and we needed to be sure we did not get ahead of Him or His plan for our efforts. We had limited time because the governor's election was slated for the end of 2010. I had many members chomping at the bit to start circulating recall petitions. We had set a drop dead date by which we minimally needed 10,000 volunteers and as the date approached, with only 7400 volunteers signed up, I knew I had to ask the group to make a hard decision, one that I can safely say was the hardest that I ever have had to make in my life. I called the meeting in Brookfield at a local public location with press present and after explaining the situation to them, I asked them to stand down on the recall. It truly broke my heart to have come that far and to see their hopes deflated but in the end the majority knew that to fail at the recall drive by having too few volunteers would have given Doyle the renewed impetus that he needed to drive forward with a re-election bid, something that I told the group from the beginning we could never allow.

We never had the support of any political organization of any kind though the process. CRG, a WI based grass-roots organization provided us with logistics. Talk radio was generally hostile at least in the beginning. When our numbers bloomed to the point that our volunteers started to harass the stations to recognize Recall Doyle, we did finally get some respect and air time. Media was generally a no-go zone except for Connely media publications, which printed local newspapers, the Waukesha County Freeman newspaper being the one who generously gave us the most coverage for which we are forever thankful. We survived on donations given at our volunteer sign-up events. We had many low points, especially during some fundraising times. One anonymous woman at one of our informational meetings dropped a large donation into our hands, something for which I will forever be thankful. We had one organizer, Emily, who no doubt was God's angel sent to Recall Doyle, who arranged multiple events across the state's midsection all by herself. We held meetings, we held rallies, and we made Recall Doyle appearances all across the state which even included in the Wisconsin sky! A Recall Doyle banner was flown by a pilot hired out of Illinois across the Milwaukee skies before the 4th of July fireworks because no WI pilot was willing to go up against Gov. Diamond Jim. All of this this entire recall effort was done with a small amount of volunteer money totaling around $10,000. However, what we did have was a faith, a faith that our God was bigger than our problem. Some of the volunteers never did get the faith aspect of our journey; the rest of us relied on it.

Our group never lost sight of the fact that this was about the future of WI and making it a better place for our kids and grandkids to live in. We knew that Doyle was killing their future a little bit more every year that he stayed in office. Many told us to just wait Doyle out because he probably only had a couple of years left because he might not run again. I said to every crowd I spoke in front of that when you have a problem you don't shelve it and wait for it to get worse; YOU DEAL WITH IT NOW BEFORE IT GETS WORSE! Further, we already knew that there were several good candidates in the wings and one was a good man who had proven himself as the Milwaukee County Executive for 8 years, Scott Walker, who was planning a run for governor (and eventually became our next Governor). We also knew that if Doyle was out of the running, it would be an easier race and a quicker path to healing for our state.

And now for the coda. Shortly after we shut down Recall Doyle what was the end result? Doyle decided against re-running for office in August of 2009: Quoting from the article: "One veteran Democratic legislator who asked not to be identified out of loyalty to Doyle said he thinks Doyle started the year expecting to run, but later in the year, asked himself this question: "Why do I want to continue to do this?" Now some will say our group was a bunch of dreamers and Doyle would have decided not to re-run anyway but Orv Seymer from CRG  and I know differently. We decided to attend Doyle's scheduled public press conference in Madison in which he  was to publicly announce his decision not to re-run for office. While public and press waited in the hall of Doyle's old elementary school, Orv and I waited with them. Mind you we had no identification on us as we saw a man come out of one of the side office doors and make a beeline for us. He looked us right in the eye and sternly said, "You two will not be allowed in for the public announcement!" We noticed that as he walked away he went over to a WI trooper standing by the door and said something. As we lined up along with everyone else to go up the steps into the public room the law officer stopped us and said he had orders not to allow us in. Orv and I, not wanting to make a scene, sat out in the hall, but that wasn't enough, the officer then tried, in his best manner, to coax us outside of the building, no doubt to lock the door behind us so that Doyle would not have to see our faces ever again, nor would the press know the Doyle administration’s dirty deed! We did not oblige and after the news conference was over, we did eventually get the ear of news reporter Mick Trevey from Milwaukee NBC affiliate WTMJ, who did add the details to the Doyle announcement on what Doyle’s henchman had done to us. We may have been locked out from publicly seeing Doyle step down but the satisfied feeling of victory rode in that car with us all the way back to Milwaukee that day.


We in this country are being conditioned to become dis-spirited. We are being made to believe that nothing can change, "at this point what difference does it make?" after all. I am here to tell you that when one person joins with another and another and we choose to say, "ENOUGH!" then true hope reigns once again and true change is possible. We have a scourge on this nation. A usurpation of power like we have never seen before in the history of this Republic! Change will not come from the top because most of them at the top are power drunk and deluded by power fever. They make special exemptions for themselves that exclude them from the pain we are legislated to have to suffer. They have lost the truth of what it means to go forth for a time and represent 'we the people', and then RETURN AS ONE OF US. They have made themselves a permanent ruling class to lord over us AND WE LET THEM!

If you and I are going to be the change, the first thing that must change is our own thinking. WE THE PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER RIGHT NOW AND WE MUST BEGIN TO ACT AS THE CARETAKERS OF FREEDOM AS IT WAS MEANT TO BE BY THE FOUNDERS. They entrusted each successive generation to be the watch guards of freedom. We were to instruct the young as to the loving Creator who gives freedom and further, whom the enemies of freedom are. Make no mistake, the enemies of freedom are very real and very plentiful! We were to instill a love of freedom and country based upon the uniqueness of the individual, not subjugation to the collective as we do today through rampant and copious political correctness police! We were to teach the tenets of freedom to the young and to seal it into their hearts to ultimately be passed on to subsequent generations. We have not only failed to do all this but we have invited those very same enemies of freedom right into the highest halls of government! Those who would not only not love our free way of life but those who would covertly seek to change it into a system that would be deemed by the Founders, by their very corruption of our Constitution, to be the enemy of freedom!

The next thing that must happen is we need to be tied together in communication. You are on the internet. You are reading this right now. NOW SHARE YOUR INFORMATION. YOU DON’T HAVE ANY INFORMATION? THEN SHARE THIS, SHARE FRIENDS' INFORMATION, SHARE WHAT INFORMATION YOU RECEIVE.  SHARE, SHARE, SHARE AND YOU CAN BECOME A VIRUS FOR GOOD SPREADING HOPE TO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN BEATEN DOWN! LET THEM KNOW WHAT THE FOUNDATIONS OF FREEDOM ARE. LET THEM KNOW THAT WE ARE BORN WITH BASIC INALIENABLE RIGHTS, RIGHTS THAT WERE GIVEN BY A LOVING CREATOR GOD. RIGHTS THAT NO MAN, PRESIDENT OR KING CAN NEITHER TAKE AWAY NOR LEGISLATE AWAY, EVER! AT ONE TIME NONE US EVEN KNEW WHAT A COMMUNITY ORGANIZER WAS. NOW LET US BECOME THEIR WORST NIGHTMARE: AN INTERNET COMMUNITY OF ORGANIZERS! No, I know it is not natural for us. It’s not natural in the same sense that the communists and socialists have been community organizing, to our detriment, on American soil for decades. It will be a starting point though, and we are fast learners, are we not?

Many will say, "What is the use? We have said all that needed to be said before and no one listened." They didn't listen before because they were mesmerized by a cult of personality. Obama has since shown his cracks. Obama said he came to unite but all he did was divide, by class, by sex and by race. Obama criticized his predecessor for running up debt but in the end he made his predecessor look austere by comparison with his own tsunami of red ink. The multitudes of cracks are there and now the people are finally beginning to see him for who he really is! Those who once thought he was perfection on Earth, now know he is just another slick-talking politician with his own agenda and what is worse, one who does not love this country as it stands.  One who lives to tear down this country and seeks to rebuild it in the Marxist mold as expressed by the dreams of his father. THEY WILL LISTEN NOW! No idea is as powerful as one whose time has come! All of you who were exposing Obama in '07 and '08, and onward, it is time to dust off your material because now is the time to hit it fast and hit it hard. You don't let up for a minute and you share like crazy! I can tell you now, that Obama has been backed up against the wall with the last election. He is going to pretend that life goes on, but he is scared inside. What we must do now is swing the hammer hard until his numbers really start to fall. WE CAN AND WE WILL TAKE THE WIND OUT OF HIS SAILS! WE MUST!

You say, "How is this possible?" I say, have a little faith, because I know of a small group of people who stepped out with no power, and no resources, but a little bit of faith and they removed a mountain in Wisconsin and it can happen just the same way across this great nation of ours. We need brother and sister joined together at the heart, acting humbly before our Creator, tapped into something greater than our own individual strength! TOGETHER, WE WILL SEE THIS THROUGH AND LIVE TO SEE THE HEALING THAT STARTED IN WISCONSIN, SPREAD ACROSS EVERY STATE OF OUR UNION! I BELIEVE IT. I KNOW IT BECAUSE I HAVE SEEN IT HAPPEN BEFORE MY EYES! WILL YOU JOIN WITH ME? LET THE HEALING BEGIN ACROSS THE NATION!    

Sincerely yours,

 "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.-Chronicles II 7:14      

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