Tuesday, March 10, 2015

An Article V Convention Is Nothing Without The Foundation!

PLEASE ALLOW ME A MINUTE TO EXPLAIN why some are for and some against a Constitutional Convention. A Con-Con has been an option for we the people since the Constitution itself. It is written into Article V and is placed there precisely to allow the people maximum control over their destiny should the need arise. There is a current cry, with the charge lead by well-known talk show host and respected author Mark Levine, to assemble an Article V convention for the purpose of the people taking back control of what is increasingly seen as a rogue government.

Now allow me to explain the dangers of a Con-Con. The powers that be that have sought to destroy our Republic have dreamt of organizing a Con-Con for as long as it has been around. Once you organize a Con-Con you set in place an opportunity for not just simple tweaking of the Constitution but changing its very nature. In a day and age where there is a popular cry from those who seek to fundamentally transform our country into a Marxist utopia it would be a welcome sight to some to do a radical revamp of a "dated document that can't keep up with the times".

Our real problem is not the need for a tweaking of the Constitution, but for an intense education of the populace on what this document and its precedent- the Declaration of Independence, actually represent and do for us. This foundation is an embodiment of the very nature of the human soul as it was designed to be by its Creator. It seeks to capture the essence of our God given freedoms and to enshrine them with ink on paper for all generations, in perpetuity, to see, understand, to live by and be protected by! But the words on the paper are meaningless if the truth of the words does not burn deep within the hearts of every American. 

You see, the Constitution is not the window dressing of the structure of society to be admired by other countries passing by, it is the core, the very bedrock, the sure foundation upon which the structure can withstand the tests of time. We no longer understand our foundation's importance so we become absorbed in the externals, the new paint and drapes while ignoring that the foundation of the structure is sinking by neglect. 

A Con-Con is not the cure. There is only one cure- we must get back to attending to the foundation because without its core knowledge, we are doomed. The mason knows that without the first straight line of the foundation wall, the whole structure will be faulty. We are ignoring that first straight line. We have allowed forces to take control, forces that never appreciated the individual free will given to humankind and seek to twist the truth of this. Forces that believe a select few need to be in control of the masses for their own good because they believe people are not capable of self-control. We are sold this lie over and over again until we finally begin to believe it.

We do not have to be enslaved to this lie. We can be free in the freedom and knowledge that only our Creator gives us. That each of us, each and every one of us was created with free will and the ability to use that free will to seek life, liberty and the pursuit of  happiness. OUR HAPPINESS -NOT SOME GOVERNMENT IMPOSED MANDATED HAPPINESS THAT TELLS US HOW TO LIVE AND WHAT TO EAT, ON AND ON AD INFINITUM. It is not willingly living under a benevolent dictatorship because we have been told that is the only way for the bulk of the masses to share in justice and Shangri-La equally.

WE ARE INDIVIDUALS WHO WERE CREATED AND BORN WITH INDIVIDUAL GIFTINGS. IT IS NOT UNJUST TO SAY WE ARE NOT ALL THE SAME BECAUSE WE WERE NOT ALL CREATED THE SAME. Where we are the same is in recognizing that we have been GIVEN the freedom to act with individual free will. We have been GIVEN the opportunity to live freely and act upon that free will. We have been GIVEN the ability to choose to pursue our individual happiness.

Most important of all, we could not have been GIVEN anything without first acknowledging THE GIVER of it all....AND THAT IS WHAT OUR CONSTITUTION DOES AND WHERE ITS REAL POWER LIES!

We do not need to change anything in our Constitution, we merely need to go back and acknowledge the secure foundation laid for us and more importantly, acknowledge who the foundation GIVER is!


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