Friday, February 13, 2015

THANK GOD FOR BRIAN WILLIAMS. The Brian Williams situation, and the general state of the current mishmash of entertainment and journalism that is apparently what the news media has devolved down to, has reminded me of an old piece of sage wisdom told to Hollywood's star power, "Do not fall prey to believing your own press!"

Somewhere in the last few decades, our news media had fallen prey to believing their own press. They had started to believe that they were somehow above the news, that they were the gods of the news, creating, tweaking and bending stories at will to fit their superior insight as to what the news should really be saying versus what the facts actually were.

Not content to merely present factual information, they slowly became a newsy/Hollywoodish hybrid and actually became the creators of news. No, it wasn't generally overt, it was worse, it was adding the 1% lie to the 99% truth -which is the most dangerous kind of lie of all. It was stealth fiction all designed to be palatable to an eager public waiting to gobble it down, hook line and sinker.

This news morphing was gradually steering the cultural mind think of an entire nation. This devolution was not limited to NBC, as the herd instinct galloped mightily through the entire news culture of alphabet soup networks. What once would have been abhorred as entertainment masquerading as news became acceptable as news presented as entertainment. It seemed to know no limits as truck gas tanks were blown up with incendiary devices to add the “wow” factor to the latest "news" production coming to a screen near your living room.

It morphed some more as a whole generation abandoned even the slick productions of the old guard to quickly embrace the new cognoscenti of news presenters on cable networks. This new breed, who openly played the part of court jester slash enlightener-the Jon Stewarts and The Stephen Colberts of the new world news order, became the news gods of enlightenment. Alas, nothing lasts forever and the pendulum eventually swings as even Jon Stewart recognized his nadir in the court of fools had been reached with his recent announcement to leave The Daily show.

Now we see a new movement, no longer a news morphing but a return to something true, something to believe in. Thankfully, there is someone calling to the simple minded, pleading with a culture infused with un-reality to return to what is true, pure and real. We are beginning to see it on college campuses. We are witnessing a new enlightenment, with Brian Williams actions acting as the torch bearer leading the way back to the sure footed trail of real news. For that reassignment, we do truly thank you Mr. Williams!

Vince Schmuki

PROVERBS 1:20 Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets:
21 She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying,
22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?
23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.

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