Wednesday, August 29, 2012

An Open Invitation to all Americans to Join....


You have to know a little something to understand WI and its people. We had suffered mightily under many years of a Democrat Governor named Jim Doyle. His three favorite groups were the Public Workers union, The Trial Lawyers and the Indian Casino gaming interests. His whole world and power for re-election revolved around them. The troika gave him what he wanted (campaign cash) and in turn, Doyle gave them what they wanted (favorable legislation). Midwesterners are an interesting lot. We, by and large, are reserved and we generally don’t poke our noses into things that don’t revolve around work, family, friends, and our favorite football team –in our case the Green Bay Packers. We tended to our lives and silently watched the political scamming and scheming of our Governor from the sidelines. This went on for years. Meanwhile, Nero fiddled and Rome was burning. By Doyle's end, we in WI, were bankrupted to the tune of over $6 BILLION dollars and had one of the highest taxes per capita in the nation. So what happened? What changed to turn things around?

What changed is the grassroots in WI screamed, "NO MORE!" Something had to be done!  A very small handful of individuals decided enough was enough and decided an attempt to recall Gov. Jim Doyle was in order. From a start of less than a dozen people, within a few short months we grew to over7000 volunteers from all across our state who had signed up to attempt a recall on then Gov. Jim Doyle. The right of recall is written into our WI Constitution. It is not rocket science but you do have to understand recalls are all about the math. You get the required number of volunteers needed and YOU WILL GET the signatures needed. We needed 12,000 volunteers with a margin of safety (or 10,000 min and take your chances) to amass over 500,000 signatures It was a herculean effort by a group that had the warrior spirit of David but in the end, it was still all about the math. 7000 vs. 12,000 needed and the next gubernatorial cycle was looming just around the corner. We just plain ran out of time. We had to call off the recall attempt or face an obvious failure which would have empowered the Dems. even more. After we pulled the plug, Gov. Jim Doyle announced that he would not be running for re-election in WI. A victory of a different sort but a victory none the less.

The Dems, once Scott Walker was elected, decided to borrow our playbook. They knew that they could succeed by drawing on national union resources to gather and empower their army of signature gatherers needed for a successful recall.

And I believe they could have been successful had they not arrogantly overplayed their hand. At their core, leftists are bullies and in WI it showed its ugly head in infamous fashion. The unions poured money and people into our state. Yet they were thugs as to how they went about things and they showed that they have no respect for the rights and freedoms afforded to all individuals in this country by our Constitution. A union head and one of his members once sat directly behind me at a WI legislative public hearing where I and a business owning couple sat waiting to give testimony. They unashamedly talked throughout the hearing; all the while making threats that they would beat that person (testifying against their interests) up once they were out in the hallway –this at a public hearing inside the state Capitol building mind you! They are brazen and all about getting their way by forcing it on others through intimidation.  They have an attitude where ever they show up and they assume the mantle of authority over everyone around them. Their preferred method of operation is intimidation. Apart from their thuggish side, they are also elitists. They can justify their behavior because they believe that they know better than us. What’s more, we the poor peons of the ignorant masses, NEED to be placed mercifully under their control for our own good -because after all, we are just too stupid to know any better.

So demands were made at the WI Capitol and when they didn’t get them met, they merely screamed louder and louder. Their first real move was to literally send a contingent of WI Dem Legislators on the run to IL and  placed in hiding so that no legislative business could be conducted. They never really thought it through far enough to realize that the Legislators would eventually have to return to their families –which of course they did. So then they decided to "OCCUPY" our state Capitol (a tactic since repeated over and over all across the U.S.) And when that didn't work, they beat drums all across the many floors of the Capitol dome; day and night, night and day non-stop drumming. And when that didn't work, they took to intimidating and making death threats against Legislators including Gov. Scott Walker himself. Do you get the picture of what we had to endure here in WI?

We have seen it all and it isn’t a very pretty picture.  The liberals want what they want and civility, individual rights and even the very rule of law be damned because they want what they want and will do whatever it takes until the electorate or whatever power that be yields to THEIR wishes. And why not?  For years they pulled it off and it worked. We simply bent over and took it from them until..

They made an amazingly arrogant error. They went after individual Wisconsinites with their intimidating tactics. They bullied businesses –no, not Wall Street behemoths but small mom and pop types in small towns all across this state. Unionistas would work their Chicago style thuggery magic wherever they went; intimidating all along the way. They tried to break up Tea Party rallies. They sent out groups  to try to shout down any Republican legislator or citizen that dared to show their face at a town hall meeting. I was there. I experienced that ugly chapter.

Then something strange happened -normally quiet cheeseheads, started to answer them, not in kind with threats or rudeness, as much as a simple awakening to the reality of a bullying threat in our State. If they were given into, just like the schoolyard bully, that would empower their bad behavior and it could only get worse with time. So the normally quiet Midwesterners, said, “ENOUGH!”. Now they were the ones organizing and they made sure that this crowd of brutes would not only be answered but silenced at the election polls once and for all.

With three mighty blows, the win of the Supreme Court race with conservative David Prosser, The win of the WI Senatorial recall race with conservative Alberta Darling and the win of the Gubernatorial race with conservative Scott Walker, the mighty giant was felled! We now have a balanced budget, more control given to individual municipalities to negotiate with public unions and an economy that has individuals and business looking forward to prosperity as our new normal!

The reason for our success? Did we the people have overwhelming resources or manpower -NO! What we had was a will of the human spirit to see that our God given freedoms would not be vanquished from our State. We had a desire to stop the debt train that was threatening to derail and destroy a future for our children and grandchildren. And most important of all, we had to slay and silence the thuggish giant that had wreaked havoc on our state and Capitol for so long or endure the inevitable consequences of our failure to act!

So, to you of the rest of our fellow Americans residing in these United States, TAKE HEART! We in WI were mighty low, perhaps only California could have been considered lower than where we started from. So RISE UP! Let the spirit of Freedom within you scream from the rooftops! Answer the darkness that seeks to dim the "Land of the Free". Answer with scorching beams of light. Burn out the forces of darkness that seek to drain the human soul of hope and replace it with enslavement. Instead of succumbing to the siren call that promises comfort in return for control of your lives, YOU TAKE CONTROL and overpower them with the truths that this country was founded upon.

We the people are endowed by our creator God with certain unalienable rights which NO MAN shall take away -no matter how sweet the promises in return. We the people of these United States are Free Sovereigns with obeisance only to the rule of law above which we have agreed to in our Constitution, not to any man! 

'LIVE FREE OR DIE' was more than a license plate slogan to those who DID DIE AND GAVE ALL so that we might have what no other country on the face of the Earth has –freedom, freedom to pursue our lives as we choose to. The ability to raise families and to give our offspring the taste of only that which can quench mankind’s primal hunger for FREEDOM!

So today, reflect on what the election this year means to you and to those you love. Taste the still cool waters that we have been afforded as Americans and then let us ask ourselves -will this freedom pass on to the next generation? If I choose to sit idly by and watch this most precious gift, transferred by Diety to human hands, be destroyed, will I be guiltless when future generations ask me what was it like to once live in a country where we had the freedom to make a myriad of choices in our lives. More to the point, why didn't we choose to stop the slow destruction of freedom before it was too late.

We of the CHEESEHEAD REVOLUTION salute you our fellow Americans, For we did recently make that choice ourselves and we are now basking in the sunshine of true HOPE AND CHANGE in our State! And all we can say is, it is a good place to be and it is our sincerest desire that you will make the tough choices now and in November and be able to soon experience it for yourselves.

May God Once Again Mercifully and Graciously Bless This Union of Freedom Loving People!

Vincent C. Schmuki /Representing WIN-Wisconsinites Interests Now/ Co-Founder of the RECALL DOYLE Team

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