Monday, December 24, 2012


1. Remove their allegiance to their Creator God who gave them their rights  

2. Remove their allegiance to their country's Constitution that secures those rights.

3. Destroy the Esprit de corps of their military that defends their freedom from attacker both foreign and domestic and defends their rights.

4. Destroy their common bond and purpose with one another so they feel alienated from one another.

5. Destroy their sense of work ethic, individuality and reliance on self.

6. Destroy their economy so that they will no longer be able to rely on themselves and then supply them assistence in all areas so they will become dependent.

7. Destroy the ability of the strong willed ones who are armed and might resist by enacting rules, regulations, registrations and eventual confiscation of all arms.

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

WHY we fight against President Obama's "tax the rich" proposal!

Some are questioning why “the right’ is reacting to President Obama's proposal for “modestly increasing taxes on the wealthy” and I would like to provide insight.

Speaking as a conservative, I like to look to the root core of the problems because staying on my path of conserving effort relegates me to the solution that produces the best results with as little effort as possible.

I think we can agree that window dressing, the traditional path that politicians from both sides take, will not solve the fiscal hole that we are in. Symbolism over substance works for what passes in Congress most of the time. Unfortunately, as Greece can currently attest to, it cannot dig you out of a hole that is so deep you can no longer see the sunshine. And like Greece, we are now going to have to make real meaningful cuts that will be painful to all.

The question is why can’t the rich just pay more as the President is asking for? These days multi-billionaire Warren Buffet is all for making the rich pay more, so it should be okay, right? Well, not so fast because old Warren is really at the center of the problem. He is what we would consider traditional rich. Those who have studied history know that the rich have highly paid accountants that neither you nor I (well at least not I) have access to. History teaches that the wealthy (and that includes the wealthy corporations) always have loopholes available to them or at the very least have highly paid lobbyists who can “buy” the loopholes to be put into the Federal tax code which stands at 72,536 pages chocked full of loopholes as of the 2011 reporting. These are all tax breaks that neither you nor I (well at least not I) will ever see! Warren Buffet derives his income from, dividends, something that WILL NOT be affected by the proposed changes, all the more reason for crafty old Warren to be crowing. This is more window dressing on display. 

Couple that with the now substantial sum of Americans who are non-tax payers altogether yet receive benefits from the rest who are paying into the tax system and we can all plainly see that this makes for an anything but fair and just tax system. The ultra-high end and the low end skate clean while those in the middle are now being asked to pay more!

The middle class are largely the small business owners in our country. This means that the biggest segment that will be affected by Obama's proposal is the very engine that drives our economy. Their gross revenues by and large are over $250,000 and it generally does not get reported through traditional class C tax forms but less loophole laden schedules and without going into details it means it hits them all the more personally. It is also the segment that is traditionally comprises the middle class -NOT the two percenters such as billionaire Buffet. 

This is also the segment of the economy where statistically most of the job creation comes from. People do not realize that more job creation comes through the small business segment than the mega corporations. Small/mid-sized businesses will stop hiring or pull back when they do not have the “profits” left over to expand. The entire economy will go into a contraction and we will enter another recessionary period. Now, either A: President Obama knows this and does not care or B: He is ignorant of the basics of the American economy. We are going to cause pain to solve this fiscal debt crisis no matter what but to cripple our economy in the process is too much like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

 I don’t really want to even go into the fact that increasing the tax revenues by the President’s projected amount will only “fuel” the government for an additional eight days.

So if we are to really do something meaningful about the real problem, other than gin up more Marxist class warfare which never solves the real problem only exacerbates it, we will have to look elsewhere.

Our Government has gone for four years under Barack Obama without a written budget. In a time of fiscal crisis this is deplorable. Democrats, Harry Reid (and Nancy Pelosi through 2010) is/are largely responsible that were allowed to go on down this reckless path AND without pressure from the White House I might add. Spending has gone through the roof under this administration. I won’t bore you with the stats that we have all already heard ad nauseam. Suffice to say, spending is the real problem but it is cleverly being diverted from by the President's class warfare spin.

I know we all want to avoid the fiscal cliff. Let’s just try doing it with our eyes wide open this time.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

THIS ELECTION They Might as Well Have Said, "LET IT ALL GOT TO HELL!" but I beg TO DIFFER!

                                                         They May as Well Have Said, "Let it All Go to Hell!’
My friends, there are two groups that I need to have a heart to heart with today because I am deeply grieved by what I have heard! There are those of you who are my Libertarian friends and those who are my Christian friends who I need to speak with. Though you both might see a gulf of differences between these two groups, there is something that connects you both that is troubling to me regarding this election.

First off let me talk with my Ron Paul friends. We have traveled a long way together to get to this point today. We have fought to expose the Federal Reserve and those who keep to the shadows to manipulate it to control our economy. We hate the shadow government and have stood behind Ron Paul’s stand to expose it. I have admired your principled stand and your fierce loyalty to Congressman Paul and the cause. You and I have both admired Ron Paul’s courage to stand against the crowd for this cause his entire life. I have stood with you at times and argued against you at times but I have never abandoned you (to the dismay of some of my more Republican friends). I have always believed that we both are fighting for the truth to get out. I have respected you for that and I hope my posts have reflected that.

I have tried to be consistent. Your principled stands show that you follow the ideal and have  a fervor in that endeavor that I have not seen in any other group except for the extreme left. It has been your strength and your weakness as well. That fervor presents itself at times as a sharp edge that has tuned people out to the message you are trying to relay. I have seen it on my FB page and it is hard to watch because in the cause of liberty we all have much more in common than we have differences. Moreover, in the face of the current threat (and in my opinion the greatest threat in the form of outright tyranny in our lifetime) of Barack Obama changing the traditional rule of law to instead ruling in king-like fashion through executive fiat, we absolutely need to unite forces now more than ever.

Now I know some will say, “Then join forces with us and vote for Ron Paul”. Unfortunately, that ship has sailed. In a moment of honesty, we must admit Ron Paul is out of the race. We can pretend differently but in the end, the reality is it didn’t happen this time around. There will be those who will, come hell or high water, still vote for Ron Paul. I wish I could say I don’t understand but I do because in my lifetime I have made those principled votes and after having lived on this earth  a while longer I have come to regret some of them.

Might I speculate for a minute on what a future looks like in an Obama second term? Assuming he holds the Senate, he will have almost unbridled power to “fundamentally transform” the face of America. The House can check some of his moves but with the power to change things through executive order, administrative law and a new leftward-energized Supreme Court, we will be on the fast track to Greece. He will have absolutely no compunction to hold back! It will be the ‘going to hell in a hand basket fast’ scenario. He will have finished what his Communist father stated and started in “Dreams From My Father”, bringing imperialist America low to her knees.

Here is where it gets dicey because I am beginning to believe some of you out there really would not mind seeing that very thing happen. Please don’t lose sight of the forest for the trees. Though the “it has to get worse before it gets better” type scenario may sound appealing to some of you, what you don’t realize is that that under Barack Obama it not only could get worse but it will likely never recover or get better. The freedoms that were won with blood over the ages will necessarily forever be transformed into privileges granted by the state. The seeds of BO’s Communist influencers -– his parents, his mentors, Frank Marshall Davis and Saul Alynsky -- will have born fruit that will poison our generation and generations to come. I truly do not believe we will get a second chance after this election!

I know there are those of you saying, “so what?” It’ll all go to hell under Romney too, just on the slower track that we have been following for decades. I have no illusions about the realities of this election but I will take that slower train to the edge of the precipice any day over the express train to oblivion that Obama has put us on. I will to live on in freedom to influence another election and so will you if you realize that is what really matters when we are this close to the edge.

So, to my Libertarian friends, I would plead for you to see the reality of the danger we are in. Please don’t see your vote as some twisted Pyrrhic victory of sorts. Let’s join in gracefully losing this battle yet winning the opportunity to ultimately win this war we are in. Let us join together and if only to temporarily put our fingers in the dam, then let’s do it until we wake up enough Americans to shore up our defenses against the enemies that are threatening our way of freedom.

Now on to my Christian friends. I cannot believe some of what I have heard. Some of you are purely bigoted in your response to Romney. Others of you have completely checked out of your responsibility as citizens to vote based on unbelievably twisted thinking.

First, to those who would discriminate purely based on a man’s religion. Do you honestly think that a closet Marxist who pretends to have sat in a Christian church is preferred over a man who faithfully practices his religion with acts of charity and espouses the principles of freedom as outlined in the Constitution of our great country? A man who has shown disdain for life by his vote for late term abortion and forces those to violate their faith by requiring Christians to fund acts that they consider murder to be chosen over someone who has stood up for life and traditional marriage?

In the end though, I’ll defer to someone of greater stature than myself, the Rev. Billy Graham. Rev. Graham is nearing his 95th birthday and realizes his days and influence on this earth are numbered. He took out full page ads in newspapers across the country  to plead with people to use their voting influence to elect the man who has aligned his values with the what God values, that is, life and traditional marriage. There is only one of the two candidates that could apply to.

Please, Christian, recognize that your voice and vote are counted twice, once in this world and once in the Heavenlies! Do the right thing in standing for what God stands for and stand against what God stands against.

Second, I have heard many express that they believe the signs of the times show that the end is near and Barack Obama is proof of that. That somehow Obama is God’s plan for society’s imminent demise and the Messiah’s return that awaits us all and therefore it would be wrong to resist it. Are you kidding me? When evil is upon you, you must resist it. Evil throughout history was resisted when there were those who could have just as easily used your same twisted thinking to never lift a finger. God is never the author of evil. He despises the wicked one, Satan, the father of all lies! We are to be salt and light in this world that we have been placed in. Light that would spread the only true hope that can change human souls. Yet while we are to spread the Gospel message that Jesus, the unblemished human lamb, came to pay the sacrifice of his life to satisfy the righteous judgment of death that we brought upon ourselves by our sins against our Creator, we must also act as salt, a natural preservative. We are to stand against evil and call it out into the open where the sanitizing power of the light will burn its essence up. We are to faithfully take and hold ground until Jesus' return. Willingly giving in to the evil that surrounds us is definitely not part of that plan.

That means that whenever opportunity affords itself we must always be at the ready to call out the evil that is before us. That includes participating in elections that put the good people into office and  removing the evil ones that seek to corrupt our God-given American way of  life. To bury one's head in the sand is as wrong now as it was for the man who buried his resources given to him by his master as told in the parable by Jesus in Biblical days.

Also, there is a current bastardization of the Gospel that speaks of God as only love and peace. They intentionally leave out that the great “I AM” is a God of righteous judgment as well. His written plan acknowledges that evil exists and is historical  proof that we have fought against it and are still fighting against it right to this very day. He will return to judge the living and the dead and for those who still believe in the Good Book, you know he isn’t coming back singing Kumbaya –“can’t we all just get along?” It is our job to reflect the will of our Creator on this Earth and that includes not just showing love but hating the rebellious, lying and corrupting evil that He hates.

Yes, the days do grow dim but the answer is not to go along with the crowd by lowering our wicks but rather, to turn up our light so that those who are now stumbling may see! Maybe we are in the end times but that is for God himself to know. We must act as though each day has work to be done and not merely check out because we believe our ride home is on the horizon! We cannot hasten His plan by our action. His timetable is His own. What we can do is stanch the evil that threatens to drain humankind of its life blood by vigilantly shining His light into its vast darkness. We must always be courageously at the ready to stand against Satan and his minions who seek to enslave the human soul that was Divinely created to be free.

My prayer to the maker of Heaven and earth is and has been for Him to wake up Christians and shake them up as well. May this be the case, and may your light shine brightly by the grace of the only One who can fuel your fire! Now go vote!

Vince Schmuki

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

An Open Invitation to all Americans to Join....


You have to know a little something to understand WI and its people. We had suffered mightily under many years of a Democrat Governor named Jim Doyle. His three favorite groups were the Public Workers union, The Trial Lawyers and the Indian Casino gaming interests. His whole world and power for re-election revolved around them. The troika gave him what he wanted (campaign cash) and in turn, Doyle gave them what they wanted (favorable legislation). Midwesterners are an interesting lot. We, by and large, are reserved and we generally don’t poke our noses into things that don’t revolve around work, family, friends, and our favorite football team –in our case the Green Bay Packers. We tended to our lives and silently watched the political scamming and scheming of our Governor from the sidelines. This went on for years. Meanwhile, Nero fiddled and Rome was burning. By Doyle's end, we in WI, were bankrupted to the tune of over $6 BILLION dollars and had one of the highest taxes per capita in the nation. So what happened? What changed to turn things around?

What changed is the grassroots in WI screamed, "NO MORE!" Something had to be done!  A very small handful of individuals decided enough was enough and decided an attempt to recall Gov. Jim Doyle was in order. From a start of less than a dozen people, within a few short months we grew to over7000 volunteers from all across our state who had signed up to attempt a recall on then Gov. Jim Doyle. The right of recall is written into our WI Constitution. It is not rocket science but you do have to understand recalls are all about the math. You get the required number of volunteers needed and YOU WILL GET the signatures needed. We needed 12,000 volunteers with a margin of safety (or 10,000 min and take your chances) to amass over 500,000 signatures It was a herculean effort by a group that had the warrior spirit of David but in the end, it was still all about the math. 7000 vs. 12,000 needed and the next gubernatorial cycle was looming just around the corner. We just plain ran out of time. We had to call off the recall attempt or face an obvious failure which would have empowered the Dems. even more. After we pulled the plug, Gov. Jim Doyle announced that he would not be running for re-election in WI. A victory of a different sort but a victory none the less.

The Dems, once Scott Walker was elected, decided to borrow our playbook. They knew that they could succeed by drawing on national union resources to gather and empower their army of signature gatherers needed for a successful recall.

And I believe they could have been successful had they not arrogantly overplayed their hand. At their core, leftists are bullies and in WI it showed its ugly head in infamous fashion. The unions poured money and people into our state. Yet they were thugs as to how they went about things and they showed that they have no respect for the rights and freedoms afforded to all individuals in this country by our Constitution. A union head and one of his members once sat directly behind me at a WI legislative public hearing where I and a business owning couple sat waiting to give testimony. They unashamedly talked throughout the hearing; all the while making threats that they would beat that person (testifying against their interests) up once they were out in the hallway –this at a public hearing inside the state Capitol building mind you! They are brazen and all about getting their way by forcing it on others through intimidation.  They have an attitude where ever they show up and they assume the mantle of authority over everyone around them. Their preferred method of operation is intimidation. Apart from their thuggish side, they are also elitists. They can justify their behavior because they believe that they know better than us. What’s more, we the poor peons of the ignorant masses, NEED to be placed mercifully under their control for our own good -because after all, we are just too stupid to know any better.

So demands were made at the WI Capitol and when they didn’t get them met, they merely screamed louder and louder. Their first real move was to literally send a contingent of WI Dem Legislators on the run to IL and  placed in hiding so that no legislative business could be conducted. They never really thought it through far enough to realize that the Legislators would eventually have to return to their families –which of course they did. So then they decided to "OCCUPY" our state Capitol (a tactic since repeated over and over all across the U.S.) And when that didn't work, they beat drums all across the many floors of the Capitol dome; day and night, night and day non-stop drumming. And when that didn't work, they took to intimidating and making death threats against Legislators including Gov. Scott Walker himself. Do you get the picture of what we had to endure here in WI?

We have seen it all and it isn’t a very pretty picture.  The liberals want what they want and civility, individual rights and even the very rule of law be damned because they want what they want and will do whatever it takes until the electorate or whatever power that be yields to THEIR wishes. And why not?  For years they pulled it off and it worked. We simply bent over and took it from them until..

They made an amazingly arrogant error. They went after individual Wisconsinites with their intimidating tactics. They bullied businesses –no, not Wall Street behemoths but small mom and pop types in small towns all across this state. Unionistas would work their Chicago style thuggery magic wherever they went; intimidating all along the way. They tried to break up Tea Party rallies. They sent out groups  to try to shout down any Republican legislator or citizen that dared to show their face at a town hall meeting. I was there. I experienced that ugly chapter.

Then something strange happened -normally quiet cheeseheads, started to answer them, not in kind with threats or rudeness, as much as a simple awakening to the reality of a bullying threat in our State. If they were given into, just like the schoolyard bully, that would empower their bad behavior and it could only get worse with time. So the normally quiet Midwesterners, said, “ENOUGH!”. Now they were the ones organizing and they made sure that this crowd of brutes would not only be answered but silenced at the election polls once and for all.

With three mighty blows, the win of the Supreme Court race with conservative David Prosser, The win of the WI Senatorial recall race with conservative Alberta Darling and the win of the Gubernatorial race with conservative Scott Walker, the mighty giant was felled! We now have a balanced budget, more control given to individual municipalities to negotiate with public unions and an economy that has individuals and business looking forward to prosperity as our new normal!

The reason for our success? Did we the people have overwhelming resources or manpower -NO! What we had was a will of the human spirit to see that our God given freedoms would not be vanquished from our State. We had a desire to stop the debt train that was threatening to derail and destroy a future for our children and grandchildren. And most important of all, we had to slay and silence the thuggish giant that had wreaked havoc on our state and Capitol for so long or endure the inevitable consequences of our failure to act!

So, to you of the rest of our fellow Americans residing in these United States, TAKE HEART! We in WI were mighty low, perhaps only California could have been considered lower than where we started from. So RISE UP! Let the spirit of Freedom within you scream from the rooftops! Answer the darkness that seeks to dim the "Land of the Free". Answer with scorching beams of light. Burn out the forces of darkness that seek to drain the human soul of hope and replace it with enslavement. Instead of succumbing to the siren call that promises comfort in return for control of your lives, YOU TAKE CONTROL and overpower them with the truths that this country was founded upon.

We the people are endowed by our creator God with certain unalienable rights which NO MAN shall take away -no matter how sweet the promises in return. We the people of these United States are Free Sovereigns with obeisance only to the rule of law above which we have agreed to in our Constitution, not to any man! 

'LIVE FREE OR DIE' was more than a license plate slogan to those who DID DIE AND GAVE ALL so that we might have what no other country on the face of the Earth has –freedom, freedom to pursue our lives as we choose to. The ability to raise families and to give our offspring the taste of only that which can quench mankind’s primal hunger for FREEDOM!

So today, reflect on what the election this year means to you and to those you love. Taste the still cool waters that we have been afforded as Americans and then let us ask ourselves -will this freedom pass on to the next generation? If I choose to sit idly by and watch this most precious gift, transferred by Diety to human hands, be destroyed, will I be guiltless when future generations ask me what was it like to once live in a country where we had the freedom to make a myriad of choices in our lives. More to the point, why didn't we choose to stop the slow destruction of freedom before it was too late.

We of the CHEESEHEAD REVOLUTION salute you our fellow Americans, For we did recently make that choice ourselves and we are now basking in the sunshine of true HOPE AND CHANGE in our State! And all we can say is, it is a good place to be and it is our sincerest desire that you will make the tough choices now and in November and be able to soon experience it for yourselves.

May God Once Again Mercifully and Graciously Bless This Union of Freedom Loving People!

Vincent C. Schmuki /Representing WIN-Wisconsinites Interests Now/ Co-Founder of the RECALL DOYLE Team

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

WI's 4 U.S. Senate candidates and why my choice might tick you off !

WI's 4 U.S. Senate candidates and why my choice might tick you off !

What I am about to say is going to p*ss some of my friends off but in the end it needs to be said because too much is at stake to remain silent. So very few of us are willing to vet the candidates instead relying on their feelings as one friend recently told me they would do. Do we not suffer enough already because of people voting for candidates on “good feelings”? So I am going to tell you my position on the WI senate race and I am going to tell a reasoned explanation as to why. Some of you won’t go beyond this sentence because you don’t want to hear something which might disturb your good feelings –I “feel” sorry for you but I will get over it as soon as my brain re-engages. For others, strap yourself in. You may not like where I stand but in the end, with me, you will never have any doubt where I stand and more importantly my reasons as to why I stand there.

All the candidates have something good to offer and they all have their negatives. This might get long for some so I am going to break it down into four parts starting with the most senior candidate member and moving down the list of four. I will attempt to be as fair and balanced (as much as humanly possible) in describing each candidate then I’ll end with an analysis of my pick. If you don’t have time for the long version you can go to the cliff notes version at the end.

The senior member of the club of four is Tommy Thompson. He is clearly known for his likability. Of the four, He also has the most political experience under his belt.  As a former WI Gov., he enacted welfare reforms which became, in part, basis for the federal model enacted by past President Bill Clinton. While he trimmed welfare bloat he was also a big gov’t kind of Gov.  He doubled spending while during his terms and had budget increases every year while in office, a fact often overlooked because during the boom times of his tenure, spending increases were hid by the commensurate increased tax revenues.

In 1999, as Gov.  he enacted BadgerCare,  a gov’t run health care safety net that has been described as a  stepping stone to the nationalized  health plan known as ObamaCare and in fact Thompson has made many positive public statements and made overtures on federal run universal health care, even as far as going to the Whitehouse to meet DHHS Secretary Kathleen Siebelius on helping see implementation of nationalized health care.

Tommy is a pragmatician, that is, he knows what is necessary and expedient to maintain power first while tending to his right leaning principles second. His lack of ability to stay principle focused is best exemplified by his brute force passage of a statewide measure to create a ‘temporary’ taxing district to build Miller Stadium. Tommy sold the taxing idea to up north and out of area residents by telling them ‘they wouldn’t be stuck paying the tax so why not pass it and “stick it” to the people of the five southeast counties in the southern taxing district’ –hence the subsequent nick name “stick it to em’ Tommy” which will probably follow him as long as the ‘temporary’ taxing district still ‘sticks’ around the necks of WI taxpayers.

Tommy then traveled to D.C to become head of the US Dept of Health and Human Services where he did an admirable job. He did however make some comments as head of DHHS regarding Gov’t run universal healthcare and why it should be enacted, again hearkening back to his days of instituting government  administered BadgerCare in WI. To his credit he now claims to have found religion and swears off ObamaCare as not what he had envisioned for gov’t run universal healthcare and promises to be the tipping vote to remove it as soon as elected.

After DHHS, Tommy went to work for D.C.  lobbyists  as a power player and made over a million dollars in short order helping special interests get their share of Washington’s (read our) power and money. This is one of his biggest weaknesses.  With all the chits that were built up during his high flying lobbying days it will be very difficult to make the clear cut decisions needed to cut the bloat from the Federal budget after having worked  hard to get the bloat put into it.

Also, it must be noted that as a senior member of the club of four he is indeed a senior. While this gives him a wealth of political experience to draw upon it also leaves one glaring reality. In all likelihood he is a one term Senator. I have watched him personally at speeches and while he still does give a fine speech, to the seasoned and honest observer, the more frequent slips indicate that his best days are behind him -yet he still shows some of the the fire that gave him a long lasting career.

Next is Mark Neumann, a starkly principled yet sometimes enigmatic candidate. He is both a business man and a former US Congressman. People seem to remember him as either the hero who stood up to Newt Gingrich and status quo Republican establishment while trying to cut out wasteful Gov’t spending or the villain who harshly ran against Scott Walker with abandon in a previous Gov’s race. 

As a businessman home builder, he was and is quite successful having become a millionaire. He appears to have thrived even during the downturn in the housing market, in part through innovative measures such as adapting to green building trends. This has also thrown him into controversy as he took federal grant money available to all builders willing to push energy conservation in their home products. To be fair, he did not enact the grants but only took advantage of them as any savvy home builder keeping up with trends would have done. None the less, he did accept gov’t money in some form in helping with his business success and personal enrichment.

While a freshmen, he was placed on the powerful House budget committee something unheard of for a new member. When a budget was being discussed he was asked what WI wanted added to the budget. His reply was a shock to the members. He did not want to add anything but he did have a question for Chairman Gingrich. Mark wanted to know where the money to pay for all the budgeted items was coming from.  Gingrich quickly told Neumann the lay of the land and ordered him to simply vote yes on the budget without question.  Mark refused to go along and created a national furor. Gingrich told Neumann his career in D.C. was over, removed him from the committee and he was told to go to his office and not to talk press or anyone till the controversy died down. True to his independent form, Neumann refused. He sent a letter to all the Congress members and challenged one and all to examine their actions and ask themselves why were sent to Washington in the first place. A group of enough freshman joined in Mark’s call for a change of business in the way Washington operated that they strong armed Gingrich into not only giving Mark his seat back on the committee but also a seat on the appropriations committee so that he indeed could see where the money was spent as well as where it was coming from –something to date that had never been done before. What was to become known as the “freshman revolution” that year produced the first balanced budget since 1969.  Mark returned to private life as a businessman after his two terms were up.

He went on to run for Gov. against Scott Walker against all establishment advice and suggestions that he run for another office instead. In what ended up a bitter fight, he lost the primary to Walker. Many believed he stepped over the line in his quest for the Gov’s seat to the point of smearing the character of Walker but in the end he did turn around and support Walker in the Gov’s race.

His greatest strength and greatest weakness appear to be one in the same, He isn’t afraid of what others think or say when he is on a quest to accomplish his mission. In Washington he was willing to throw it all away in order to see true change come to the system of taxing and spending. In WI, he was willing to walk to the edge in order to try to win the Gov’s race in his quest to see this state turned around from the out of control spending days of Democrat Gov. Jim Doyle. In both cases, as well as his business life, he shows an unrepentant zeal to cut down on wasteful spending.

He is a self proclaimed ardent constitutionalist meaning he wants to keep the power in the hands of the people and keep the powers of the Gov’t bound as traditionally outlined in the U.S Constitution. He is also a very outspoken proponent of traditional marriage. Mark’s principled traditional stands have some saying he doesn’t bend enough to be a successful political candidate in this day and age. Other’s see that very thing as his real strength.

Next is Eric Hovde a new comer to politics. While no real track record is available to reveal Eric’s potential political path he does have a history of running a very successful hedge fund firm in the D.C. area. He started his company with borrowed money from his father while fresh out of college and for several decades has been working successfully but exclusively on the East coast. Eric has literally spent millions of his personal fortune in advertising in an attempt to define himself for the public. I’ve met him two times,  once at a private small group setting where he revealed that he was about to announce his candidacy and once at the Republican convention in Green Bay in his hospitality suite. The first time he appeared very personable. I was impressed enough with his statements of belief to start a buzz going for him.  I backed off as I started to learn some more about him and found myself asking more questions than getting answers. At my second meeting at the convention I had gathered some questions that needed answers. A couple of friends were ardent Hovde supporters and offered to take me into his hospitality suite to directly do just that. I met with three individuals in the Hovde suite. His campaign manager, Joe Fadness, Eric Hovde’s very lovely wife, Sharon and Eric Hovde himself (all  separately)

I earnestly wanted to know how deep his roots were into WI as any potential senator would need to know who his constituents were before they could adequately represent them in Washington. I had heard that he had not been around to vote here in WI for decades and that he had just re-registered in Feb. I had also heard that he was making a pretty high flying presence, literally flying a personal private jet around the state to get acquainted gatherings ( I have seen the photos) something it seemed oddly out of touch to me.  I had also heard that he had chosen to marry an East coast woman. No great sin except that it shows where his roots are as opposed to his statement at the first meeting that he “managed to get back to WI regularly” during his decades absence.

There also was information floating out there about his $500 donation to Dem. Gov  Doyle. I started with questions to Joe Fadness about the Doyle contribution and opposed to what Hovde is currently saying, “I was a Madison landlord and was pressured into it by Doyle”, Joe said that it was a small donation and done as a “favor to a friend”. So, several variations are now out there about the Doyle donation money. I asked why Eric had not donated anything to the Ron Johnson campaign and was told by Fadness that “Eric does not give money to anyone who he does not meet directly with first.” So putting those two statements together, either Hovde is better acquainted with Doyle than is being told or there is something out of whack with his giving consistency in my opinion.

Second, I brought up the jet setting around WI. Joe explained that it was Democrats who were spreading that info around but he did not rebut that it was done and in fact dismissed it as "Hovde had to get around the state in quick order as a newcomer."  

Next, I talked to Eric’s wife, Sharon. I asked her where she was from and she tried to sidestep the question but eventually admitted that she is from “back East”. 

Lastly, I had a question about some witness’ description of an angry blow up in the hallaway at the 4rth Congressional District Caucus at the Milwaukee Athletic Club . It was described by a witness as, “Hovde became unhinged“. I directly asked Eric about the incident and his eyes grew wide and his voice rose as he clearly became very agitated. The incident involved a donation that he had made to an organization, the Myelin Project, (a medical research group that had praised Obama for overturning Bush’s ban on Federal spending for embryonic stem cell research). As voice raised I could clearly see that he was revisiting his anger of the event from that day at the MAC. He denied that any money given was used for stem cell research purposes. I apologized to him for bringing it up and as I did he wife deftly moved from the center of the room and made her way over to his side with a glass of water and began to gently stroke his back. I walked away knowing that although there may have been reason for his original anger at the MAC it was clear that someone who could not divest themselves of that past anger, (and the need for his wife’s calming action confirmed that) clearly had issues when it comes to running for political office.  

One other point worth mentioning, I watched all four Senate candidates give speeches at the Presidential Candidate invitational dinner at the Italian Community Center. I was seated at a table with Hovde supporters. I watched him as he proceeded to make a very freshman mistake. He painted the picture of our country in trouble (which it truly is) but he kept painting the picture darker and darker and then finished without providing any hope or a real plan for a solution. Everyone of the other three candidates provided some form of relief in their speech. I mentioned it to the Hovde supporting friends and they agreed he would need to make changes. A small beginners mistake yet not unimportant in light of the gravity of this Senate race and you don’t get do-overs on the national stage.

Hovde has a successful career in business going for him. He has partaken in TARP money either knowingly or unknowingly through purchases of banks that were under TARP directives. We may never know for sure whether he was cognizant that the financial institutions he was purchasing had accepted Federal funds but any sharp businessman would have researched that info before a purchase. 

His political outsider theme is tainted by the fact that he was part of the Washington DC business and political insider club for decades. He is accused of being an outsider in the Ron Johnson mold which isn’t necessarily a bad thing except when you realize Ron Johnson was a political outsider while BEING INSIDE WI his whole working career which enabled him to understand Wisconsin’s people and culture. Eric’s political outsider tag will necessarily haunt him as he is clearly also an outsider when it comes to Wisconsin life.

Last is Jeff Fitgerald, WI Speaker and leader of the Assembly through a hellacious period. He is a leader in that he withstood the pressures around him and stood through it all. However, his record also shows that he is heavily beholden to special interest groups. His campaign is mainly funded through beer distributors. This could be explained by his loyal support of a beer bill run through the WI legislature that supported large beer companies interests while at the expense of the small craft brewers ability to get their product out for distribution around the state. This shows a clear favoritism and a lack of a principled stand.

Jeff also has shown a lack of sympathy for human life issues. While he ensured victory for a beer bill, he derailed Assembly Bill 214 that would have banned sale of aborted baby parts even going to the extreme extent of redistricting the bill’s author out of his district which forced the author to uproot his family and move. He was a no show for the WI statewide Christian program “In Focus” which was scheduled for Feb. 27th of this year and leads one to question if he has something to hide when it comes to his stand on true family values.

So, where do I stand?  I support Mark Neumann.

Tommy is a consummate politician but consummate politicians are why we are in the spending mess that we are in. What we need is a statesman –that is someone who looks beyond there own immediate political expediency and forward to the health and wellbeing of the future generations and our state and country.  Mark has shown the ability to stop business as usual in DC at whatever personal cost to himself.

Eric is a political newcomer who is untested and has left enough question marks over his actions that we cannot possible take a chance on such an important race without knowing more. And although he is being compared to newcomer Ron Johnson, Eric has not spent an entire life working in this state as Johnson has, absorbing and understanding who we cheeseheads are and what we are about. What’s worse, HE HAS spent an entire working life on the East coast absorbing and understanding East coast culture -something that is very different from our own way of life and that spells disaster for true representation for us.

Jeff has had his mettle tested and although he came through it he is less than untarnished. His principles are questionable because of his ability to take big money interests as outlined above, at the expense of small business people who make up the backbone of this state and nation. Further, his inability to take a Pro-Life stand by his lack of passage of AB 214 is more than troubling, it is screaming a lack of basic support of the sanctity of human life.  All this while ensuring that big beer interests were well coached and guided to final passage leaves one less than assured that he would make a great Senator.

Mark has a record to observe and judge on. He was willing to throw his entire political career away and face down the most powerful person directly above him at the time -Newt Gingrich. He not only stood on his principles but he marshaled others alongside him to form the “Freshman Revolution”. That voting block brought real reform and change to Washington while Mark was there. That is the kind of principled leadership that is desperately lacking and needed now more than ever if we are to save this great nation. The greatest knock on Neumann is that he played ‘hardball’ during the Governor’s race against Walker. In the end, after a hard fought race, he was able to let feelings go and get behind Walker’s candidacy. More importantly, WE WILL need somebody who knows how to play hardball against Tammy Baldwin. She will be extremely well funded and the one thing that we know about the Chicago political crowd (and make no mistake about it, it will be the down and dirty ‘Chicago machine’ that will be called into action for this race) THEY DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY HARDBALL!

While I applaud all the other candidates for their strengths and willingness to run, I believe that it is Mark Neumann who has the principles that made this country once the super leader of the world and who will truly represent what we all want and need at this time in our state and nation’s history, that is primarily a return to:  balanced budgets, sane fiscal spending, free and open business markets, adherence to the government limiting powers of the constitution and a repeal of a disastrous (by all accounts including my  personal doctor who is a lefty) government run healthcare program.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope it has been of some help to you all. May God once again graciously bless this great union of freedom minded people.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope it has been of some help to you all. May God once again graciously bless this great union of freedom minded people.

WI 4 US Senate candidates and why my choice might just tick you off

What I am about to say is going to p*ss some of my friends off but in the end it needs to be said because too much is at stake to remain silent. So very few of us are willing to vet the candidates instead relying on their feelings as one friend recently told me they would do. Do we not suffer enough already because of people voting for candidates on “good feelings”? So I am going to tell you my position on the WI senate race and I am going to tell a reasoned explanation as to why. Some of you won’t go beyond this sentence because you don’t want to hear something which might disturb your good feelings –I “feel” sorry for you but I will get over it as soon as my brain re-engages. For others, strap yourself in. You may not like where I stand but in the end, with me, you will never have any doubt where I stand and more importantly my reasons as to why I stand there.

All the candidates have something good to offer and they all have their negatives. This might get long for some so I am going to break it down into four parts starting with the most senior candidate member and moving down the list of four. I will attempt to be as fair and balanced (as much as humanly possible) in describing each candidate then I’ll end with an analysis of my pick. If you don’t have time for the long version you can go to the cliff notes version at the end.

The senior member of the club of four is Tommy Thompson. He is clearly known for his likability. Of the four, He also has the most political experience under his belt.  As a former WI Gov., he enacted welfare reforms which became, in part, basis for the federal model enacted by past President Bill Clinton. While he trimmed welfare bloat he was also a big gov’t kind of Gov.  He doubled spending while during his terms and had budget increases every year while in office, a fact often overlooked because during the boom times of his tenure, spending increases were hid by the commensurate increased tax revenues.

In 1999, as Gov.  he enacted BadgerCare,  a gov’t run health care safety net that has been describes as a  stepping stone to the nationalized  health plan known as ObamaCare and in fact Thompson has made many positive public statements and made overtures on federal run universal health care, even as far as going to the Whitehouse to meet DHHS Secretary Kathleen Siebelius on helping see implementation of nationalized health care.

Tommy is a pragmatician, that is, he knows what is necessary and expedient to maintain power first while tending to his right leaning principles second. His lack of ability to stay principle focused is best exemplified by his brute force passage of a statewide measure to create a ‘temporary’ taxing district to build Miller Stadium. Tommy sold the taxing idea to up north and out of area residents by telling them ‘they wouldn’t be stuck paying the tax so why not pass it and “stick it” to the people of the five southeast counties in the southern taxing district’ –hence the subsequent nick name “stick it to em’ Tommy” which will probably follow him as long as the ‘temporary’ taxing district still ‘sticks’ around the necks of WI taxpayers.

Tommy then traveled to D.C to become head of the US Dept of Health and Human Services where he did an admirable job. He did however make some comments as head of DHHS regarding Gov’t run universal healthcare and why it should be enacted, again hearkening back to his days of instituting government  administered BadgerCare in WI. To his credit he now claims to have found religion and swears off ObamaCare as not what he had envisioned for gov’t run universal healthcare and promises to be the tipping vote to remove it as soon as elected.

After DHHS, Tommy went to work for D.C.  lobbyists  as a power player and made over a million dollars in short order helping special interests get their share of Washington’s (read our) power and money. This is one of his biggest weaknesses.  With all the chits that were built up during his high flying lobbying days it will be very difficult to make the clear cut decisions needed to cut the bloat from the Federal budget after having worked  hard to get the bloat put into it.

Also, it must be noted that as a senior member of the club of four he is indeed a senior. While this gives him a wealth of political experience to draw upon it also leaves one glaring reality. In all likelihood he is a one term Senator. I have watched him personally at speeches and while he still does give a fine speech, to the seasoned and honest observer, the more frequent slips indicate that his best days are behind him -yet he still shows some of the the fire that gave him a long lasting career.

Next is Mark Neumann, a starkly principled yet sometimes enigmatic candidate. He is both a business man and a former US Congressman. People seem to remember him as either the hero who stood up to Newt Gingrich and status quo Republican establishment while trying to cut out wasteful Gov’t spending or the villain who harshly ran against Scott Walker with abandon in a previous Gov’s race. 

As a businessman home builder, he was and is quite successful having become a millionaire. He appears to have thrived even during the downturn in the housing market, in part through innovative measures such as adapting to green building trends. This has also thrown him into controversy as he took federal grant money available to all builders willing to push energy conservation in their home products. To be fair, he did not enact the grants but only took advantage of them as any savvy home builder keeping up with trends would have done. None the less, he did accept gov’t money in some form in helping with his business success and personal enrichment.

While a freshmen, he was placed on the powerful House budget committee something unheard of for a new member. When a budget was being discussed he was asked what WI wanted added to the budget. His reply was a shock to the members. He did not want to add anything but he did have a question for Chairman Gingrich. Mark wanted to know where the money to pay for all the budgeted items was coming from.  Gingrich quickly told Neumann the lay of the land and ordered him to simply vote yes on the budget without question.  Mark refused to go along and created a national furor. Gingrich told Neumann his career in D.C. was over, removed him from the committee and he was told to go to his office and not to talk press or anyone till the controversy died down. True to his independent form, Neumann refused. He sent a letter to all the Congress members and challenged one and all to examine their actions and ask themselves why were sent to Washington in the first place. A group of enough freshman joined in Mark’s call for a change of business in the way Washington operated that they strong armed Gingrich into not only giving Mark his seat back on the committee but also a seat on the appropriations committee so that he indeed could see where the money was spent as well as where it was coming from –something to date that had never been done before. What was to become known as the “freshman revolution” that year produced the first balanced budget since 1969.  Mark returned to private life as a businessman after his two terms were up.

He went on to run for Gov. against Scott Walker against all establishment advice and suggestions that he run for another office instead. In what ended up a bitter fight, he lost the primary to Walker. Many believed he stepped over the line in his quest for the Gov’s seat to the point of smearing the character of Walker but in the end he did turn around and support Walker in the Gov’s race.

His greatest strength and greatest weakness appear to be one in the same, He isn’t afraid of what others think or say when he is on a quest to accomplish his mission. In Washington he was willing to throw it all away in order to see true change come to the system of taxing and spending. In WI, he was willing to walk to the edge in order to try to win the Gov’s race in his quest to see this state turned around from the out of control spending days of Democrat Gov. Jim Doyle. In both cases, as well as his business life, he shows an unrepentant zeal to cut down on wasteful spending.
He is a self proclaimed ardent constitutionalist meaning he wants to keep the power in the hands of the people and keep the powers of the Gov’t bound as traditionally outlined in the U.S Constitution. He is also a very outspoken proponent of traditional marriage. Mark’s principled traditional stands have some saying he doesn’t bend enough to be a successful political candidate in this day and age. Other’s see that very thing as his real strength.

Next is Eric Hovde a new comer to politics. While no real track record is available to reveal Eric’s potential political path he does have a history of running a very successful hedge fund firm in the D.C. area. He started his company with borrowed money from his father while fresh out of college and for several decades has been working successfully but exclusively on the East coast. Eric has literally spent millions of his personal fortune in advertising in an attempt to define himself for the public. I’ve met him two times,  once at a private small group setting where he revealed that he was about to announce his candidacy and once at the Republican convention in Green Bay in his hospitality suite. The first time he appeared very personable. I was impressed enough with his statements of belief to start a buzz going for him.  I backed off as I started to learn some more about him and found myself asking more questions than getting answers. At my second meeting at the convention I had gathered some questions that needed answers. A couple of friends were ardent Hovde supporters and offered to take me into his hospitality suite to directly do just that. I met with three individuals in the Hovde suite. His campaign manager, Joe Fadness, Eric Hovde’s very lovely wife, Sharon and Eric Hovde himself (all  separately)

I earnestly wanted to know how deep his roots were into WI as any potential senator would need to know who his constituents were before they could adequately represent them in Washington. I had heard that he had not been around to vote here in WI for decades and that he had just re-registered in Feb. I had also heard that he was making a pretty high flying presence, literally flying a personal private jet around the state to get acquainted gatherings ( I have seen the photos) something it seemed oddly out of touch to me.  I had also heard that he had chosen to marry an East coast woman. No great sin except that it shows where his roots are as opposed to his statement at the first meeting that he “managed to get back to WI regularly” during his decades absence.

There also was information floating out there about his $500 donation to Dem. Gov  Doyle. I started with questions to Joe Fadness about the Doyle contribution and opposed to what Hovde is currently saying, “I was a Madison landlord and was pressured into it by Doyle”, Joe said that it was a small donation and done as a “favor to a friend”. So, several variations are now out there about the Doyle donation money. I asked why Eric had not donated anything to the Ron Johnson campaign and was told by Fadness that “Eric does not give money to anyone who he does not meet directly with first.” So putting those two statements together, either Hovde is better acquainted with Doyle than is being told or there is something out of whack with his giving consistency in my opinion.

Second, I brought up the jet setting around WI. Joe explained that it was Democrats who were spreading that info around but did not rebut that it was done and in fact dismissed it as Hovde had to get around the state in quick order as a newcomer.  

Next, I talked to Eric’s wife, Sharon. I asked her where she was from and she tried to sidestep the question but eventually admitted that she is from “back East”. 

Lastly, I had a question about some witness’ description of an angry blow up at the 4rth Congressional district Caucus in the hallway at the Milwaukee Athletic Club . It was described by a witness as, “Hovde became unhinged “. I directly asked Eric about the incident and his eyes grew wide and his voice rose as he clearly became very agitated. The incident involved a donation that he had made to an organization, the Myelin Project, (a group that had praised Obama for overturning Bush’s ban on Federal spending for embryonic stem cell research). As voice raised I could clearly see that he was revisiting his anger of the event from that day at the MAC. He denied that any money given was used for stem cell research purposes. I apologized to him for bringing it up and as I did he wife deftly moved from the center of the room and made her way over to his side with a glass of water and began to gently stroke his back. I walked away knowing that although there may have been reason for his original anger at the MAC it was clear that someone who could not divest themselves of that past anger, (and the need for his wife’s calming action confirmed that) clearly had issues when it comes to running for political office.  

One other point worth mentioning, I watched all four Senate candidates give speeches at the Presidential Candidate invitational dinner at the Italian Community Center. I was seated at a table with Hovde supporters. I watched him as he proceeded to make a very freshman mistake. He painted the picture of our country in trouble (which it truly is) but he kept painting the picture darker and darker and then finished without providing any hope or a real plan for a solution. Everyone of the other three candidates provided some form of hope and relief in their speech. I mentioned it to the Hovde supporting friends and they agreed he would need to make changes. A small beginners mistake yet not unimportant in light of the gravity of this Senate race and you don’t get do-overs on the national stage.

Hovde has a successful career in business going for him. He has partaken in TARP money either knowingly or unknowingly through purchases of banks that were under TARP directives. We may never know for sure whether he was cognizant that the financial institutions he was purchasing had accepted Federal funds but any sharp businessman would have researched that info before a purchase. His political outsider theme is tainted by the fact that he was part of the Washington DC business and political insider club for decades. He is accused of being an outsider in the Ron Johnson mold which isn’t necessarily a bad thing except when you realize Ron Johnson was a political outsider while BEING INSIDE WI his whole working career which enabled him to understand Wisconsin’s people and culture. Eric’s political outsider tag will necessarily haunt him as he is clearly also an outsider when it comes to Wisconsin life.

Last is Jeff Fitgerald, WI Speaker and leader of the Assembly through a hellacious period. He is a leader in that he withstood the pressures around him and stood through it all. However, his record also shows that he is heavily beholden to special interest groups. His campaign is mainly funded through beer distributors. This could be explained by his loyal support of a beer bill run through the WI legislature that supported large beer companies interests while at the expense of the small craft brewers ability to get their product out for distribution around the state. This shows a clear favoritism and a lack of a principled stand.

Jeff also has shown a lack of sympathy for human life issues. While he ensured victory for a beer bill, he derailed Assembly Bill 214 that would banned sale of aborted baby parts even going to the extreme extent of redistricting the bill’s author out of his district which forced the author to uproot his family and move. He was a no show for the WI statewide Christian program “In Focus” which was scheduled for Feb. 27th of this year and leads one to question if he has something to hide when it comes to his stand on true family values.

So, where do I stand?  I support Mark Neumann.

Tommy is a consummate politician but consummate politicians are why we are in the spending mess that we are in. What we need is a statesman –that is someone who looks beyond there own immediate political expediency and forward to the health and wellbeing of the future generations and our state and country.  Mark has shown the ability to stop business as usual in DC at whatever personal cost to himself.

Eric is a political newcomer who is untested and left enough question marks over his actions that we cannot possible take a chance on such an important race without knowing more. And although he is being compared to newcomer Ron Johnson, Eric has not spent an entire life working in this state as Johnson has, absorbing and understanding who we cheeseheads are and what we are about. What’s worse, HE HAS spent an entire life on the East coast absorbing and understanding East coast culture -something that is very different from our own way of life and that spells disaster for true representation for us.

Jeff has had his mettle tested and although he came through it he is less than untarnished. His principles are questionable because of his ability to take big money interests as outlined above, at the expense of small business people who make up the backbone of this state and nation. Further, his inability to take a Pro-Life stand by his lack of passage of AB 214 is more than troubling, it is screaming a lack of basic support of the sanctity of human life.  All this while ensuring that big beer interests were well coached and guided to final passage leaves one less than assured that he would make a great Senator.

Mark has a record to observe and judge on. He was willing to throw his entire political career away and face down the most powerful person directly above him at the time -Newt Gingrich. He not only stood on his principles but he marshaled others alongside him to form the “Freshman Revolution”. That voting block brought real reform and change to Washington while Mark was there. That is the kind of principled leadership that is desperately lacking and needed now more than ever if we are to save this great nation. The greatest knock on Neumann is that he played ‘hardball’ during the Governor’s race against Walker. In the end, after a hard fought race, he was able to let feelings go and get behind Walker’s candidacy. More importantly, WE WILL need somebody who knows how to play hardball against Tammy Baldwin. She will be extremely well funded and the one thing that we know about the Chicago political crowd (and make no mistake about it, it will be the down and dirty ‘Chicago machine’ that will be called into action for this race) THEY DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY HARDBALL!

While I applaud all the other candidates for their strengths and willingness to run, I believe that it is Mark Neumann who has the principles that made this country once the super leader of the world and who will truly represent what we all want and need at this time in our state and nation’s history, that is primarily a return to:  balanced budgets, sane fiscal spending, free and open business markets, adherence to the government limiting powers of the constitution and a repeal of a disastrous (by all accounts including my  personal doctor who is a lefty) government run healthcare program.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope it has been of some help to you all. May God once again graciously bless this great union of freedom minded people.