Friday, November 8, 2013

WILL YOU JOIN ME IN THIS RE-REVOLUTION? The alternative is not pretty!
PRINCIPLES ARE DRIVEN BY ONE’S FOUNDATIONAL CORE BELIEFS. Principled people in politics are called STATESMEN. They start with the belief that there is a higher power than self or fellow man to which one owes acknowledgment. Principled statesmen are those who look out for the best long term interest of their fellow citizens and sustainability of their country based on the individuals self worth as declared by nature and nature's CREATOR GOD. They treat the individual as an equal to themselves and others by virtue of all being the creation of the one CREATOR GOD.

There are principally two views in effect in our political world today.  FIRST, there are those WHO BELIEVE IN A HIGHER POWER OVER MANKIND, A CREATOR GOD. Principally they believe that WE ARE ENDOWED (given by birthright) BY OUR CREATOR GOD with certain un-alienable rights. EQUAL RIGHTS that cannot betaken away or altered, that all flow FROM THE CREATOR TO THE INDIVIDUAL.Therefore, the power flows from the CREATOR EQUALLY TO AND THROUGH ALL INDIVIDUALS.

SECOND, there are those people WHO DO NOT BELIEVE IN A CREATOR GOD. THEY BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF MAN and subsequently all rights and power must flow from human to human. Within this world, the strongest (wo)man or group rules and sets the rules for all the weaker lesser 'individuals'. In reality, individuality no longer exists in this paradigm because the strongest determines what is best and/or allowed for all of their 'subjects'. There really are no principles within this category because any thing is allowed as longer as the strongest group says it is allowed.

The founders of this country understood these foundational truths. Once they had set their minds to no longer living as 'SUBJECTS' whipped about by the whim of the strong man of the day, the King of England, they established for all living in the new world to see, the distinction between subject and free individuals. THEY SHOWED A NEW WAY AND GAVE THE PEOPLE A CHOICE BETWEEN SUBJECT AND FREE FOR THE FIRST TIME!


Not everyone in the new world understood nor cared to understand these truths. In fact, after the revolutionary war was won, many, ignorant of this principle, pleaded with George Washington to become their king!

This brings me to my next point, THE FOUNDERS KNEW THE DANGERS TO THIS NEWLY ESTABLISHED FREE WAY OF LIFE. They understood that money and power corrupt absolutely. The founders sought ways to dilute power within the governance structure in an ingenious fashion. Knowing full well the dark nature of man that seeks to bring power to oneself and manifest it over others, they put those, who be in positions of power in government, in competition with one another. Three branches, the triune gods (small 'g') of earthly governmental power, all competing for turf which would hopefully keep them so preoccupied that they would never combine to form a new super 'god' over Americans.

Unfortunately, what was to be a better than any other way of life and self governance was still run by fallible human beings that were susceptible to money and power and inevitably corrupted by both.  So what happened? OVER TIME, MORE CORRUPTING MONEY SEEPED INTO THE PROCESS. THEREFORE FEWER PRINCIPLED PEOPLE WERE IN GOVERNMENT AND IN ITS PLACE MORE BOUGHT AND PAID FOR PEOPLE WERE IN POSITIONS OF POWER OVER THE PEOPLE. AS MORE AND MORE MONEY WAS BROUGHT INTO THE PROCESS OF ELECTIONS, THIS IN TURN ENSURED THAT FEWER AND FEWER PEOPLE OF PRINCIPLE WOULD EVER MAKE IT INTO PUBLIC OFFICE. Keep in mind, that in order to elect people of principle you must have people of principle voting in large numbers in the first place. The electorate is not without fault here. WE LOST OUR WAY AND IDENTITY OF WHO WE WERE.  WHICH MEANS, when people lack the core principle, an acknowledgement of the Creator, they become creators unto themselves and it always eventually devolves into 'THE STRONG MAN RULES' because mankind, left to themselves, having nothing left but selfish cravings to feed. Then there is no equality of peoples, merely one person or group telling their SUBJECTS what is allowed or best for them according to the strong man’s rules.

Added to individuals craving for themselves power, is money,which has been turned into the golden noose around the necks of all free people in America and slowly has choked the life out of the once free individual. Money feeds power which feeds money and it becomes a vicious circle and one that paints a pretty dark picture! The power/money structure has largely given us the two party system with candidates that have already been pre-picked behind closed doors and then announced and messaged by a bought and paid for ‘free’ press. It would be laughable if it were not for the chains of slavery that are being built link by link over a once free people!

The powers that be today are the anti-thesis of what was originally established by the Founders in principle and enshrined in writing through our Constitution. So the question begs, did the Founders fail us? Did the Constitution fail us? Or did we fail the Founders and the Constitution by ignoring the principled truths they held out so publicly as a guiding light for centuries so that we might not stumble along the paths of history.

Then the bigger question begs, if we have lost our way, can we do a "reboot"? Not restart the country through a physical revolution but a revolution of individual thinking -finding our way back by starting at the beginning with what it means to be "WE THE PEOPLE", re-discovering the foundational truth of who we are as individuals ENDOWED BY OUR CREATOR GOD WITH UN-ALIENABLE RIGHTS! It would seem to me that this would be the reasonable start. The alternative is not pretty. I am ready for going back to the future. ARE YOU WILLING YOU JOIN ME IN THIS RE-REVOLUTION?

Vince Schmuki

Sunday, November 3, 2013

"THE SCOPE OF NSA SPYING IS BREATHAKING!" And what will WE do about it?

We read with great interest the Sun. NY Times article, ‘Scope of NSA Spying  Breathtaking’. I was a young student when then President Richard Nixon was caught spying on the Democrat office in the Watergate complex. Our teachers put all class instruction on hold and made us watch the Watergate hearings in unity with a nation struggling to comprehend a U.S. President’s apparent lying and abuse of power!

Fast forward to today, as we read how the Obama administration has also bugged an office, a state, a nation along with all its citizens, a UN secretary general, Chancellors, Presidents and the entire world for that matter! Yet today the question is, where is the collective outrage? Where is the press media outrage plastered across the front pages of newspapers and computer screens?

With a change of administrations, as a nation, we had hoped for a change in policies. We certainly were promised it with the statement that this would be the “most transparent administration ever”! Well, thanks to one former NSA employee , Edward Snowden, who couldn’t stand the deception any longer, we finally do have a window into what was to be real hope and change. And it doesn’t look much different from past administrations who all seemed to have gone drunk on power!

The big question for us as a nation is, will we have the collective moral will to confront the rank hypocrisy and blatant abuse of power with the outrage that we were able to show some decades ago? If not, do we really deserve to ever live freely again?

Vince Schmuki

Friday, October 18, 2013


Lest the Monday morning establishment quarterbacks throw back one more Long Island iced tea to dilute the truth and delude themselves and others, let’s recap the game.

While the congress and the country merrily marched themselves in darkness towards the end of the monetary cliff someone, Ted Cruz, had the audacity to turn on the spotlight to highlight the dangers of an already out of control new entitlement program that had initial start-up cost projected at under $100 million to now well over $600 mil and climbing with no end in sight. The situation made all the more ludicrous because it can’t even perform the fundamentals of simple signups let alone controlling the administration of several hundred million new patients.

Intertwine this with an administration that insisted the $16 trillion deficit was not enough and spending caps are a silly idea anyways (try running that line by any spouse who is trying to inject sanity into a home budget) and you have for a grand parade of the emperor showing off his new invisible clothes while all in attendance coo at his awesomeness. So it wasn’t a surprise that someone, Cruz, and someones, the Tea Party patriots, would step to the fore and try to put the brakes on this idiotic death march.

As far as I can tell, The Tea Party people of this country are comprised of the only sane, eyes wide open group speaking truth to power that is out there. They clearly see the dangers ahead for our free republic so do not be surprised that they are serving up steaming hot tea with an extra dose of passion.

Do what you will, it is still a free country after all, but don’t shoot the messenger just because you don’t like the message!

Monday, July 15, 2013

On why the Outcome of the George Zimmerman trial Demands Answers from the Grave

The outcome of the George Zimmerman case has many people locally and nationally in an uproar. The outrage is real and that alone should cause many questions to be asked. Racial hatred and injustice has been with us always but it does appear to have reached a fevered pitch.

Locally, outrage was displayed over a white woman street musician, Cassandra Struve, who received a beat down at the hands of two black women outside of the main gate of Summerfest recently for having the audacity to play "black" music. Oops, I forgot, there was barely a mention of the incident outside of a Fox channel 6 news report. Nothing to see here, folks, just move along now.

Then there were the 72 shootings in Chicago over the 4th of July weekend. Where was the outrage  and the parade of reports decrying dozens of lives snuffed out? Just another busy weekend of largely black on black murders in the windy city -- apparently hardly newsworthy or worth discussion based on the media’s lack of outrage.

So while there is much to be outraged about, the general consensus is that unless an ulterior political agenda can be served, the everyday violence passes by with nary a peep or a cavalcade through the streets as is so popular. Reverend Al has offered to live in Chi-town for a while but rare is the soul who stands up to offer real pathways to peace. Quite frankly, even Sharpton’s gesture appears to be more press posturing because unless he plans to put roots down in the midst of the trouble, it is likely that little will have changed once his photo op is over and he has moved on.

The media, in large part, are the enablers of this show of shadows. Picking and choosing who the performers will be in their scripted play for the week. Turning and twisting public opinion to meet their template.

ENOUGH OF THIS SHOW! Let’s have some real community leaders stand up to racial violence of ALL kinds. Let’s turn to the graves of true leaders of the past who did not seek out power through the color of one’s skin but sought and encouraged all members of society to truly rise above the level of one’s skin covering and to treat one another by the character that lies buried beneath. Let’s turn to those who understood, that to seek the truth, the show must not go on. To those who truly understood, “To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth”!

Monday, June 24, 2013


The 'Freedom Train' is a powerful metaphor describing an oppressed people running and escaping from their enslaved condition toward the ability to think and act for themselves. From the founding of this country to present, people both here domestically and abroad have understood this concept. Freedom is moving from being coddled and cared for all in the name of "for your own good" yet all the while increasingly removing personal choices, toward the ability to think for oneself. Kings did it (and still do), slave owners did it (and still do around the world). Pretty much anyone in a position of authority has the ability to do it to us -IF WE LET THEM.

And there is the rub -IF WE LET THEM! In America, we turned the traditional idea of authority over an individual on its head. Some very smart founders of our country looked at all of recorded history to date and realized that traditionally the individual had been on the bottom rung of that ladder with layers of human authority over them, intertwining, restricting and choking the ability of people to make choices for themselves. 

They asked a great question, perhaps the greatest of all questions -HOW DO WE GET FREEDOM? Freedom to think, freedom to speak, freedom to act as long as we do not harm our fellow humans ability to do the same for themselves. The answer? WE HAVE INDIVIDUALLY BEEN ENDOWED BY OUR CREATOR WITH THAT FREEDOM. The Founders belief in a Supreme Being that created humans with freedom was not new. Their enshrining it in a national Constitution, a document that all parties agreed would be the ruling law of the land -NOT A KING OR A HUMAN MASTER OF ANY KIND, WAS! In fact, it was REVOLUTIONARY!

So for centuries now we have had people(s) from all over the world buying into this concept of freedom that we once held so dearly. Yet, decades now of neglect to tending the fires of freedom have left the main stakeholders indifferent as to why we in these United States are exceptional in a world of schemes to run and control orderly societies. We have lost sight of the forest for the trees. We have become so inured with enjoying the benefits of freedom that we have lost sight of the most fundamental aspect of freedom. YOU CANNOT EXERCISE THE BENEFITS OF FREEDOM WITHOUT ACCEPTING THE CONCURRENT RESPONSIBILITIES NEEDEDTO MAINTAIN  FREEDOM!

We have been taught/conditioned to believe that the opposite, in fact, is true. You CAN get something for nothing. There IS such a thing as a free lunch (at least in schools) you DIDN’T earn (or deserve) what you worked hard for, you DON’T have to think and make hard choices because that is what Government is for. In other words, personal responsibility no longer matters. Actions (or inaction) do not have consequences!

You see, we have forgotten the basics. Freedom in the fallen world of humanity is not the default condition. Quite the opposite, mankind’s oppression and enslavement of fellow humans is the norm of the self-absorbed human soul. 

In other words, FREEDOM HAS AN ENEMY! The founders knew this and sought in all ways possible to bind the dark nature of the sinful soul. They put ties and binds on the evil that rises up to seek to enslave one to another. They sought to restrict the natural craving that humans have for power over one another. Was the system perfect? –not by any means. The most glaring example was the inclusion of man’s inhumanity towards African slaves. Yet even in that, there was a very real split between those that sought to profit through slavery and those that saw the evil portrayed through slavery because they believed in the value of every living soul created by Maker of the universe; a problem that festered until it could be stood no more and eventuated a civil war amongst Americans.

So today the ‘Freedom Train’ and all its players still exists. There are still those who will risk life and limb to claw their way on board to ride into into this country. There are still those that think they are the ‘masters’ who wish to pull us off the train and club us into submission with ever increasingly obtrusive laws over our lives. There are still those who pretend they are in charge of the train and tell us where they will be taking us “FOR OUR OWN GOOD”!

We are told by Congressman and Presidents that they will “look out for us” and that we should just relax because talk of “tyrannies” and gov’t oppression is just silly talk. They will tell us that they will protect us and that they just need to know a little more about our lives in order to make us safer from the bad people and that if we would just trust them with that we will all be happier!

There is one problem with that, it flies in the face of all the recorded history of mankind. There are those who know history and live as if freedom is the most precious jewel given as an inheritance from generation to generation in this country. And then there are those who USE their freedom to undermine and erode the freedom of others in order to consolidate power to unto themselves. Freedom, at its base, is the ability to live our lives free from intrusion from anyone or any entity as much as possible –to live act and be as we choose to be! You cannot give government power over Americans without first taking the freedom to choose in some way away from Americans!

So freedom DOES have an enemy and it is our job to distinguish friend from foe and make sure we elect those in authority over us who understand what dangers there are to our freedom. IT IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO KNOW WHO THE FRIENDS OF FREEDOM ARE. IT IS OUR DUTY TO FUTURE GENERATIONS TO SECURE LIBERTY FOR THEM JUST AS THOSE WHO HAVE GONE BEFORE US HAVE PREVIOUSLY DONE!

In the end, we all decide if we want to continue to be a part of this great ‘Freedom Train’.  We get to choose if we want to keep the gifts of freedom to body, mind and soul given to us freely by our Creator God. We get to choose to hop on board, stay on board or crash this train forever. We get to choose our destination because our
Maker first gave us that choice.

Please choose wisely!

Yours in His freedom,
Vincent C. Schmuki

Thursday, May 16, 2013

I was recently contacted by WPR-Wisconsin  Public Radio for feedback on what the Tea Party members thought about the IRS targeting them and like minded freedom loving groups. The first thing I told Mike Simonson was that Justice John Marshall put it all in perspective almost 200 years ago in a famous case where he stated, "The power to tax is the power to destroy".

And what destructive powers are truly unleashed when someone decides to use the power of our taxing agency ,the Internal Revenue Service, as their hammer! It is wrong and it is reminiscent of a third world dictatorship. It is a soft tyranny of the most insidious kind. Our elected Congress members, who ultimately hold a much bigger hammer for the cause of good, must bring it down hard to find the source of this travesty if we are ever to repair the public trust that has been lost!

We must never forget what a free society looks like and burn that image deep into our collective psyche. Then each and every day hold our elected and appointed public servants up to that standard if we are ever to remain a free society!

Saturday, April 20, 2013


We cried with Bostonians on Monday as the full impact of the marathon bombing became apparent. Likewise, we celebrated Friday night with these same communities as well, when the second terrorist bombing suspect was finally captured.

Now in hindsight, there are several conclusions to the matter that should leave all Americans sleeping a little less restful at night. Not only were these brothers open about their radical Islamist ideas, putting out copious information on Twitter and posting Jihadist message videos on YouTube, but the older brother had traveled multiple  times back to Russia for extended periods. The real kicker that should keep us all up at night though, is that it has been revealed that the Russian government had tipped off our own FBI to the fact that they had reason to believe that the brothers had terrorist ties in Russia and had asked the U.S. to investigate them. Our own FBI did a full investigation and found no cause for concern! The FBI cleared them and reported it as such back to Russia.

These brothers have by all accounts been becoming radicalized since ’08. They had an active social media presence espousing radical Islamist views for at least the past two years. This coupled with trips out of the country SHOULD HAVE raised red flags amongst the multitudinous alphabet soup monitoring agencies that we pay to protect us. WHY DID IT NOT HAPPEN?

It has become clear that the focus has been taken off the ball and we need to know why! Until then, we will all sleep a little more  peacelessly at night.

Vince Schmuki