Wednesday, October 31, 2012

THIS ELECTION They Might as Well Have Said, "LET IT ALL GOT TO HELL!" but I beg TO DIFFER!

                                                         They May as Well Have Said, "Let it All Go to Hell!’
My friends, there are two groups that I need to have a heart to heart with today because I am deeply grieved by what I have heard! There are those of you who are my Libertarian friends and those who are my Christian friends who I need to speak with. Though you both might see a gulf of differences between these two groups, there is something that connects you both that is troubling to me regarding this election.

First off let me talk with my Ron Paul friends. We have traveled a long way together to get to this point today. We have fought to expose the Federal Reserve and those who keep to the shadows to manipulate it to control our economy. We hate the shadow government and have stood behind Ron Paul’s stand to expose it. I have admired your principled stand and your fierce loyalty to Congressman Paul and the cause. You and I have both admired Ron Paul’s courage to stand against the crowd for this cause his entire life. I have stood with you at times and argued against you at times but I have never abandoned you (to the dismay of some of my more Republican friends). I have always believed that we both are fighting for the truth to get out. I have respected you for that and I hope my posts have reflected that.

I have tried to be consistent. Your principled stands show that you follow the ideal and have  a fervor in that endeavor that I have not seen in any other group except for the extreme left. It has been your strength and your weakness as well. That fervor presents itself at times as a sharp edge that has tuned people out to the message you are trying to relay. I have seen it on my FB page and it is hard to watch because in the cause of liberty we all have much more in common than we have differences. Moreover, in the face of the current threat (and in my opinion the greatest threat in the form of outright tyranny in our lifetime) of Barack Obama changing the traditional rule of law to instead ruling in king-like fashion through executive fiat, we absolutely need to unite forces now more than ever.

Now I know some will say, “Then join forces with us and vote for Ron Paul”. Unfortunately, that ship has sailed. In a moment of honesty, we must admit Ron Paul is out of the race. We can pretend differently but in the end, the reality is it didn’t happen this time around. There will be those who will, come hell or high water, still vote for Ron Paul. I wish I could say I don’t understand but I do because in my lifetime I have made those principled votes and after having lived on this earth  a while longer I have come to regret some of them.

Might I speculate for a minute on what a future looks like in an Obama second term? Assuming he holds the Senate, he will have almost unbridled power to “fundamentally transform” the face of America. The House can check some of his moves but with the power to change things through executive order, administrative law and a new leftward-energized Supreme Court, we will be on the fast track to Greece. He will have absolutely no compunction to hold back! It will be the ‘going to hell in a hand basket fast’ scenario. He will have finished what his Communist father stated and started in “Dreams From My Father”, bringing imperialist America low to her knees.

Here is where it gets dicey because I am beginning to believe some of you out there really would not mind seeing that very thing happen. Please don’t lose sight of the forest for the trees. Though the “it has to get worse before it gets better” type scenario may sound appealing to some of you, what you don’t realize is that that under Barack Obama it not only could get worse but it will likely never recover or get better. The freedoms that were won with blood over the ages will necessarily forever be transformed into privileges granted by the state. The seeds of BO’s Communist influencers -– his parents, his mentors, Frank Marshall Davis and Saul Alynsky -- will have born fruit that will poison our generation and generations to come. I truly do not believe we will get a second chance after this election!

I know there are those of you saying, “so what?” It’ll all go to hell under Romney too, just on the slower track that we have been following for decades. I have no illusions about the realities of this election but I will take that slower train to the edge of the precipice any day over the express train to oblivion that Obama has put us on. I will to live on in freedom to influence another election and so will you if you realize that is what really matters when we are this close to the edge.

So, to my Libertarian friends, I would plead for you to see the reality of the danger we are in. Please don’t see your vote as some twisted Pyrrhic victory of sorts. Let’s join in gracefully losing this battle yet winning the opportunity to ultimately win this war we are in. Let us join together and if only to temporarily put our fingers in the dam, then let’s do it until we wake up enough Americans to shore up our defenses against the enemies that are threatening our way of freedom.

Now on to my Christian friends. I cannot believe some of what I have heard. Some of you are purely bigoted in your response to Romney. Others of you have completely checked out of your responsibility as citizens to vote based on unbelievably twisted thinking.

First, to those who would discriminate purely based on a man’s religion. Do you honestly think that a closet Marxist who pretends to have sat in a Christian church is preferred over a man who faithfully practices his religion with acts of charity and espouses the principles of freedom as outlined in the Constitution of our great country? A man who has shown disdain for life by his vote for late term abortion and forces those to violate their faith by requiring Christians to fund acts that they consider murder to be chosen over someone who has stood up for life and traditional marriage?

In the end though, I’ll defer to someone of greater stature than myself, the Rev. Billy Graham. Rev. Graham is nearing his 95th birthday and realizes his days and influence on this earth are numbered. He took out full page ads in newspapers across the country  to plead with people to use their voting influence to elect the man who has aligned his values with the what God values, that is, life and traditional marriage. There is only one of the two candidates that could apply to.

Please, Christian, recognize that your voice and vote are counted twice, once in this world and once in the Heavenlies! Do the right thing in standing for what God stands for and stand against what God stands against.

Second, I have heard many express that they believe the signs of the times show that the end is near and Barack Obama is proof of that. That somehow Obama is God’s plan for society’s imminent demise and the Messiah’s return that awaits us all and therefore it would be wrong to resist it. Are you kidding me? When evil is upon you, you must resist it. Evil throughout history was resisted when there were those who could have just as easily used your same twisted thinking to never lift a finger. God is never the author of evil. He despises the wicked one, Satan, the father of all lies! We are to be salt and light in this world that we have been placed in. Light that would spread the only true hope that can change human souls. Yet while we are to spread the Gospel message that Jesus, the unblemished human lamb, came to pay the sacrifice of his life to satisfy the righteous judgment of death that we brought upon ourselves by our sins against our Creator, we must also act as salt, a natural preservative. We are to stand against evil and call it out into the open where the sanitizing power of the light will burn its essence up. We are to faithfully take and hold ground until Jesus' return. Willingly giving in to the evil that surrounds us is definitely not part of that plan.

That means that whenever opportunity affords itself we must always be at the ready to call out the evil that is before us. That includes participating in elections that put the good people into office and  removing the evil ones that seek to corrupt our God-given American way of  life. To bury one's head in the sand is as wrong now as it was for the man who buried his resources given to him by his master as told in the parable by Jesus in Biblical days.

Also, there is a current bastardization of the Gospel that speaks of God as only love and peace. They intentionally leave out that the great “I AM” is a God of righteous judgment as well. His written plan acknowledges that evil exists and is historical  proof that we have fought against it and are still fighting against it right to this very day. He will return to judge the living and the dead and for those who still believe in the Good Book, you know he isn’t coming back singing Kumbaya –“can’t we all just get along?” It is our job to reflect the will of our Creator on this Earth and that includes not just showing love but hating the rebellious, lying and corrupting evil that He hates.

Yes, the days do grow dim but the answer is not to go along with the crowd by lowering our wicks but rather, to turn up our light so that those who are now stumbling may see! Maybe we are in the end times but that is for God himself to know. We must act as though each day has work to be done and not merely check out because we believe our ride home is on the horizon! We cannot hasten His plan by our action. His timetable is His own. What we can do is stanch the evil that threatens to drain humankind of its life blood by vigilantly shining His light into its vast darkness. We must always be courageously at the ready to stand against Satan and his minions who seek to enslave the human soul that was Divinely created to be free.

My prayer to the maker of Heaven and earth is and has been for Him to wake up Christians and shake them up as well. May this be the case, and may your light shine brightly by the grace of the only One who can fuel your fire! Now go vote!

Vince Schmuki