Wednesday, February 26, 2014



Some are still on the sidelines holding out HOPE. I was one of them, cradling the last thread of hope, crying in tears to the One who so graciously gave us our rights, praying, "that this cup too might pass", but I am confronted by reality and I must let go.

We have said, "but this is his plan, we must not fall into the trap!" and I agreed. I have agonized, truly agonized but just as that handful of original Founders of this country did, I have come to the realization that there is a point of decision. A point at which one is left with no choice but to travel the path that was always visible from a distance, and now up close it looks even more dreadful than from afar but all other paths are blocked and the one left requires mustering up all of one's resolve, every ounce of will power, every fiber of one's being to come alive to face that which we feared the most. And we choose, if it can be called that, and we accept, because it is all that is left for us to do.

Some will say, “But this is just an isolated slice of the country, just one tiny state." But in reality we all know it is not. It is part of plan deviously developed and being cunningly implemented. A plan that was never to be isolated to 'one tiny state' but to be implemented across this entire land. A plan that involved ramping up FEMA camps across the U.S. That involved our government arming up the Dept. of Homeland Security with billions of rounds of deadly hollow point bullets for ostensibly- "target practice" -something only a fool would believe. Add to that, the U.S. military, has been conditioned to train with local law enforcement. Joint exercises have gone on across this nation along with the U.S. government giving military vehicles to local law enforcement departments all across this nation to be used for _____  you fill in the blank  Our military was never to be used against the citizenry of the U.S. and is forbidden by the Law of Posse Comitatus. Forbidden for good reason because the standing U.S. military was to be used to protect the occupants of the county -never to be used against 'We the People'! In this grand plan new world order, We the people were never to have the ability to defend ourselves and the rhetoric coming from the current administration confirms it. We can still kid ourselves. We can still hope beyond reasonable measure but it will not change this reality.  

Some will say, "But Connecticut is just about registration. If they would just comply there would be no confiscation! "If history has taught us anything it is that registration is just the means to identify who owns the guns in order to implement confiscation more readily. Study the tyrants of history as the Founders of America did and you will understand why the second amendment right to gun ownership was placed so high on the list of secured freedoms.

We have "crossed the Rubicon" fellow Americans. In the end, this choice was never ours. We did choose once however. Our fate was sealed the day some chose to place an enemy of the state into office. Americans, being ignorant of history, doomed themselves to repeat it. We chose ignorance and pleasure, but to our own self destruction, and now we must suffer the consequences.

Do I say this to be a doom and gloomer? NO! I say it to wake us all up to the reality of the hardships ahead of us. God knows I held off as long as I possibly could myself. I call upon all of you to take a sober assessment of where we are as a country. It is no longer a crossroads that we are at. It is a singular path and IT IS A HARD PATH. ONE THAT WILL TAKE INFINITE RESOLVE. Most importantly of all, one that will require incredible humility. For whether you want to recognize it or not, we as a nation have been humbled by the only One mighty enough to bring us down to our knees, the Giver of our rights, OUR CREATOR GOD! Our country was founded on this bedrock that our Creator gives free will to all individuals equally that they might live freely in their pursuit of happiness. Only His enemy, whom I call satan (and his earthly minions), seeks to steal this gift away. Some of you will ignore the spiritual nature of our current predicament. Well that, in my opinion, is why we are now brought to our knees.

As for Connecticut, it is not isolated. Every American who loves freedom must be prepared to defend freedom. Every American must now be prepared to defend the first and the last American, from largest state to smallest. In these days there is no room for the "sunshine patriot" as Thomas Paine stated in his piece “The Crisis”. So make up your minds and steel your nerves! TODAY WE ARE ALL MEMBERS OF "THE CONSTITUTION STATE"! WHAT HAPPENS TO ONE, HAPPENS TO ALL!

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