Sunday, November 3, 2013

"THE SCOPE OF NSA SPYING IS BREATHAKING!" And what will WE do about it?

We read with great interest the Sun. NY Times article, ‘Scope of NSA Spying  Breathtaking’. I was a young student when then President Richard Nixon was caught spying on the Democrat office in the Watergate complex. Our teachers put all class instruction on hold and made us watch the Watergate hearings in unity with a nation struggling to comprehend a U.S. President’s apparent lying and abuse of power!

Fast forward to today, as we read how the Obama administration has also bugged an office, a state, a nation along with all its citizens, a UN secretary general, Chancellors, Presidents and the entire world for that matter! Yet today the question is, where is the collective outrage? Where is the press media outrage plastered across the front pages of newspapers and computer screens?

With a change of administrations, as a nation, we had hoped for a change in policies. We certainly were promised it with the statement that this would be the “most transparent administration ever”! Well, thanks to one former NSA employee , Edward Snowden, who couldn’t stand the deception any longer, we finally do have a window into what was to be real hope and change. And it doesn’t look much different from past administrations who all seemed to have gone drunk on power!

The big question for us as a nation is, will we have the collective moral will to confront the rank hypocrisy and blatant abuse of power with the outrage that we were able to show some decades ago? If not, do we really deserve to ever live freely again?

Vince Schmuki

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